Inspired by MIT Media Labs 'Scratch' software that was developed to teach the fundamentals and structure of programming, ModuSystems 'Snap2Motion' software implements a similar building block approach for industrial motion control. Why can t you take screenshots on hulu. A wide variety of pre-configured building blocks exist, but should a limitation be encountered, flexibility enables the user to create their own and use them in conjunction with the existing blocks. Groups of blocks can also be combined into a single block for repeated functions.
- Intuitive Design
- Zero to Motion in 60 seconds
- Drag – Drop – Edit
- Rename Axes , I/O, and Variables as Desired
- Geometrically Shaped Blocks Organize Data Types and Only Allow Proper Construction
- Simple to Complex Capabilities
- Basic Blocks
- User Defined Blocks and Procedures
- Fully Text Based Options
- Full Manual in help file
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Inspired by MIT Media Labs 'Scratch' software that was developed to teach the fundamentals and structure of programming.